
A musical journey into the life of the renowned Ojibwe WWI sniper, decorated officer of the Canadian military and Indigenous political activist Francis Pegahmagabow.



Adult Ticket for Sounding Thunder
The Song of Francis Pegahmagabow
Friday, February 7
7:30pm (general admission)
South Hall

This fascinating hour-long work is a musical journey into the life of the renowned Ojibwe WWI sniper, decorated officer of the Canadian military and Indigenous political activist Francis Pegahmagabow. The music was composed by Galiano Concert Society’s Chairman, Timothy Corlis, and the words written by Ojibwe poet, Armand Garnet Ruffo. There will be twelve musicians and three acts exploring Pegahmagabow’s early years which were immersed in the world of the Anishinaabe spirits, his accomplishments in the trenches of WWI and his political life as Chief of the Wausauksing Ojibwe and founder of the early Indigenous political movement in Canada. Enjoy a Q & A session after the performance.

The Galiano Concert Society | P.O. Box 10 | Galiano Island, BC | V0N 1P0 | galianoconcerts [at] gmail.com
Copyright © 2025 Galiano Concert Society | My Music Band by Catch Themes